Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"Festive Season" Greetings from Africa 2015

Dear Family and Friends,

We feel so blessed to number you among those we hold most dear this special time of year!

Christmas is different in Africa, to say the least. The decorations are much more low key, and it's the middle of summer here! They don't refer to these times as "The Holidays," as we do, but as "The Festive Season," and the whole country of South Africa seems to take the month of December off. Kids are out of school for summer vacation and businesses close. The commercialism is not nearly as evident as in the states.

For our Year in Review 2015, check out our "Egans in Johannesburg" blog by clicking on the link to the right. Our travels have taken us to 6 countries this year: Ghana, Ethiopia, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa and a quick stopover in the Netherlands. We are in love with the wonderful African people and our beautiful surroundings. We really feel that we have Africa in our blood.

As we commemorate once again the nativity of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, may we each include in our celebration a prayer for peace on earth and good will to all mankind, and may we each make a personal effort to seek out and share with those in need the bounties that we have been blessed with, that our Savior's love may be manifest in our actions.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Bob & Martha Egan

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martha and Bob,
    It's really CJ-Merry Christmas. I'm not sure you received my Christmas Card--I thought Ali was regularly sending you mail-so I left it at your house--she was gracious and offered to include it with hers to you.

    We hope you have a had a wonderful Festive Season!! Martha I drew you for Christmas so your present awaits you and we will celebrate in August when you return.

    Happy Festive Season!

    CJ (and family)
